Men's Bible Study

A study of God's Word by which men look at the scripture and learn what is said about our own role in God's kingdom. In this fellowship group, we take passages of scripture and apply them to our personal lives, and then discuss the scriptures with other men in the group. Men's Bible Fellowship meets every Tuesday morning at 10:30am. Check out our church calendar for specific dates and times.

Men's Saturday Morning Bible Study

This group meets 7:30 a.m. every Saturday morning from September to May. The Bible study lessons are geared towards men's life issues. Men of all ages are welcome—just come to church! Check out our church calendar for specific dates and times.

Sisters in Christ Bible Study

Sisters in Christ is for ladies of all ages. It meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month, from 6:30–745 p.m. Meetings are opened with a time of prayer. This is followed by studying the Word of God with open discussion and encouragement for one another in our daily walk with our Lord and Savior.

Check out our church calendar for specific dates and times.


Stitchers is a sewing ministry that makes lap quilts, teddy bears, and walker bags for anyone who has a need. The group meets in the lower level of church on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday mornings of the month at 11:00 a.m. Check out our church calendar for specific dates and times.